Friday, January 11, 2008

Gotta Love Those Aussies, They're the Ant's Pants ...

Ant's Pants: Australian for someone or something considered the ultimate in style, novelty or cleverness.

Just when we thought we could close the book on Word of the Year awards season, those friendly Aussies pull us back in

Reprinted from the BBC.Com ....

Australians vote on word of 2007

Are these Sydney beachgoers running the risk of tanorexia?Are you suffering from password fatigue? Ever considered manscaping? Do you know any tanorexics?

These phrases and more are contenders in an online vote organised by Australia's Macquarie Dictionary to select the Word of the Year 2007.

Seventeen categories contain a total of 85 words from which voters can choose.
Options include globesity - the problem of rising obesity around the globe - and floordrobe - the use of the floor as a substitute wardrobe.

Some words appear to be unique to Australia.

Salad dodger is included as a term for an overweight person, while a surfer under the age of 10 can now be called a microgrom.


  • Password fatigue: Frustration caused by having too many passwords and failing to remember them

  • Manscaping: Male grooming procedures involving the removal of body hair

  • Tanorexia: An obsessive desire to have tanned skin

  • Credit card tart: Someone who transfers loans to a new card when the interest-free period of the first card expires

Your comments: Word of 2007

But many of the new words seem to reflect global developments and trends.
Chindia is used as a noun to refer to China and India as a collective unit, in terms of economic power and strategic importance.

There are also five new words related to carbon emissions and how to deal with them, reflecting growing concern about climate change. Several of the new words relate to advances in technology. Pod slurping is described as the practice of downloading large quantities of data to an MP3 player or memory stick from a computer. Griefers, meanwhile, are players who deliberately sabotage online computer games instead of abiding by the rules.

Other words represent new definitions for old concepts. Kippers are adult children who fail to leave home - a contraction of Kids In Parents' Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings. Man flu, meanwhile, refers to a minor cold contracted by a man who then proceeds to exaggerate the symptoms, the dictionary said.

Voting closes on 31 January and Australia's Word of the Year 2007 will be announced in the first week of February.

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